KB and DF

Before we came to Dr Bernstein and met Denyse, we had undertaken approximately 12 IVF cycles at two well known clinics in Sydney and the Metropolitan area. Out of these cycles, one was successful. The other 11 were not, but involved varied drug regimes and experimental techniques. Over a 4 year period, not once was any testing undertaken other than sperm and blood samples. My uterine cavity was never evaluated. Throughout this time, we both felt like guinea pigs, or sheep on a production line. At one clinic, we were never referred to by name , merely a number.

We were very relieved and inspired after going to Dr Bernstein. Staff were always professional , helpful , honest, and compassionate. We also felt like individuals, with our situation being treated on an individual basis. Numerous tests were suggested to rule out any potential problems and we were offered a realistic , appropriate treatment , which was through the donor egg programme. We were never given false hope ( which happened at other clinics ).

On the first cycle we fell pregnant and are now very proud parents. Thank you to Dr Bernstein, Denyse and all the staff.

KB and DF